Tuesday, 27 April 2010

"Son of God died today. Crucified by Romans. FML"

Whilst eating my tea last night, I happened to catch the first ten minutes of Emmerdale, and was presented with the Dingle family having a philosophical debate about the causes of suicide. While all their hypothetical reasoning was all well and good, and surprisingly profound for their characters, they failed to mention a deliciously ironic reason - soap operas. Probably not Emmerdale, since their most depressing moment of the night was an awful actor saying "I want to die" in a very monotonous voice, not really heartstring tugging-stuff. Similarly, Coronation Street has far too much humour and normailty to be considered depressing. So yes, I'm only referring to Eastenders.

I've never been massively into Eastenders, so I can't say from personal experience that it causes depression (although the Danielle/Ronnie story moved me to writing a song about it), but I'm going to assume that when a TV show ends with an "if this story has emotionally crippled you, please call this number" message, it's a depressing show. I had heard, though it was never confirmed, that some people have genuinely attemped (and possibly succeeded in) suicide because of something that happened in Eastenders. I find it quite funny that a show set in a rough part of London is allowed to broadcast content that makes people want to kill themselves, but the characters have to call each other "pillocks" because of the timeslot.

This is why I prefer American TV shows. Take Battlestar Galactica, for instance. Everyone always brushes it off as a sci-fi show, and therefore refuses to watch it, but it's so much more than than. Almost every single character was perfectly written, the acting and scripts and backstories combined into making completely grounded and genuine humans... in space. Sure, the plot is a tad ridiculous, and there are several space battles scattered around the series, but most of the time I was watching it, I completely forgot it was a sci-fi; to me, it was a character piece.

Do you remember Martin Fowler on Eastenders? He had one facial expression, was always hoarsely shouting, thought working on a fruit stall was a suitable career and ended up getting a girl pregnant, hitting her boyfriend with a car, then marrying her. Does that sound like a believable human being to you? Now take Gaius Baltar on BSG. He was a very intelligent man who was ashamed of coming from such a poor farming background, and so pushed himself to achieve his dreams. He worked hard, but still retained a secret love for his home and his family. I don't know anyone who wants to work in a shop all their life, or has killed someone and married their girlfriend, but I do know people who have gone from zero to hero without being alienated by their newfound social status. So there we go - somewhere, lost in the ravages of space, flying around in a giant spaceship that can travel faster than the speed of light, are people more realistic than Londoners.

My only problem is that a lot of decent shows are ending, or have already ended. Actually, that's my second problem, my first problem is that I've gotten halfway through a blog entry and have no idea what I'm going to write next. I'd consider writing more on how all my favourite shows are finishing, but I doubt you'd want to read that. Yet I honestly can't think of what else to write. Isn't that just typical of this generation? What on earth am I going to discuss once the things I do discuss have finished contributing anything new to talk about? Do I repeat everything I've already said, or do I stay quiet for eternity? I think this may be touching upon the lack of originality topic from my previous blog entry; have we actually spoken about everything in the world now? Is there nothing left to talk about that hasn't already been talked about?

Of course not, I'm just being ridiculous for the sake of it to keep up with my doomsday persona. Take a look outside and you'll notice that not everything is awful, I just say these things because I, for some reason, am a lot better at complaining than I am at praising. Why do you think I keep mentioning the 2012 apocalypse? It's never going to happen, although try telling that to the fools who think it genuinely is, I just say it because I think it's a suitable plot point; if you were trying to justify why things are bad at the moment, wouldn't you blame to apocalypse as well? The point I'm trying to make, though, is that I do my best not to shove my conflicting views down others peoples' throats. Which is more than I can say for the folk at Westboro Baptist Church.

I only found out about these deplorable people recently, having been in a mass MSN conversation where people were discussing them, and came to the conclusion that Supernatural was right. I always thought these people might exist somewhere, but hoped they were just a myth. Now I know they're real, what else might be real? Ghosts? Demons? Jim Davidson? All our nightmares are coming true people, these hideous creatures are among us. Check under your bed, carry garlic with you, don't trust your neighbours. Just be prepared, lest you fall foul of these insane religious bellends without the adequate tools to fight them off with!

I actually do hate them. Their problem is that they're so determined they're right that it's utterly impossible to make them change their mind, or at least look at something from every angle. Present them with a completely logical argument that invalidates something they've stated as fact, and they'll say "Don't question the Word of God!" or something. How convenient it is to have an all-knowing, all-powerful being with a fetish for keeping secrets on your side. How on Earth are we supposed to compete with that? I'm not trying to say I abhor religion or religious people because I don't, and I'm a very spiritual person myself (though not devoted to a single religion, as such). But why are there people in this world that have to take everything so literally? The Bible is there for people to get a decent sense of morality, it's there to show people what the fundamental aspects of being a decent person are, it isn't literal, people didn't actually come back to life or have their blindness cured or get full off a tiny bit of bread and fish. It's more of a set of guidelines than actual rules; you don't see pirates discussing the literal meaning of parley, do you?

I sent a strongly worded e-mail to these people, basically taking the passages they adhere to so vehemently and explaining how they're doing the exact opposite of what these passages say, and asking them how to explain some glaring inconsistencies and hypocrisies in their statements. If they ever respond, I'll post the results onto this blog. That's if I haven't already killed myself watching Eastenders.

Saturday, 24 April 2010

I'd have an original thought, but I'm too busy being [CENSORED]

Well, it looks as though Pixar is finally running out of ideas. Of the four films it's set to release within the next two years, only one, Brave, is an original idea. Everything else is a sequel; Toy Story 3, Cars 2 and Monsters Inc. 2 (the latter of which being scheduled for release in late November 2012, so close to the apocalypse!). Now, don't get me wrong, I think most of Pixar's films are utterly brilliant (aside from Finding Nemo, but don't get me started on why I hate that), but Pixar has been the driving force behind Disney's creative and original output for over ten years now. Surely it's the beginning of the end when they have to start putting out sequels because they can't think of a unique story? This means all hopes of Disney's originality rest on the new hand-drawn animated features they've promised to deliver every two years, which could kill Disney as we all remember it for good.

As soon as Disney said they were returning to their hand-drawn roots, there was an uproar of delight from my generation, the generation that grew up during the infamous Disney Renaissance. With a string of below-average box office failures under his belt, Michael Eisner knew he had to produce something spectacular to send Disney flying back to the throne they deserved. And so they produced The Little Mermaid, and the renaissance had begun. Forget the boring renaissance that started in the 14th Century, statues and paintings and the like can't hold a candle to The Lion King and Aladdin. After years of disappointment, in the space of 10 years Disney managed to prove to the world why it was so universally loved, and everything was good. But what about now?

The problem with modern day Disney is that they've forgotten who they're appealing to. Sure, the kids all love this Jonas Brothers and Hannah Montana tripe they keep churning out, but that's because those kids weren't there. They have no idea how awesome Disney can be, and end up settling for this gangrenous swill because it's all they've got to go on. So our generation is left disgusted and alienated, wondering where it all went wrong. If only Disney had done more to appeal to us than fart out sub-par, direct-to-DVD sequels to all our favourite films, things might be different. They seem to forget that we're the generation that's going to produce the children watching their stuff and giving them money in the next five, ten or fifteen years. Which is probably why this animated surge has suddenly come about.

But what if it fails? What if these animated films stay to the same quality as the barely average The Princess And The Frog? We'll be even more disillusioned than before, and we certainly won't allow our kids to watch their output. "Daddy, can I watch the Disney channel?" "WHAT? And put me through the ordeal of watching High School Musical 15? I think not! I'd rather spread Marmite all over my eyeballs!" (This example doesn't have the same effect if you like Marmite, so 50% of you will, statistically, 'not get it') Disney are playing a risky game here, with everything to gain and even more to lose. But if it works out, things might be just as good as they ever were! Which is something I can't say the same about for other well-loved animated productions...

South Park's 200th episode was a great episode, but I also hated it immensely. Going into it, I knew they were going to refer a lot to their glorious back catalogue of hilarious and offensive episodes, but it just turned out looking like a massive ego-stroking session. Matt and Trey have every idea how brilliant their show is, so they shamelessly filled this episode with references to older episodes, most of which had no bearing on the plot, they were just time fillers, which really annoyed the fans. The episode itself was great, but what we wanted was an original story with various significant call-backs justified by the plot. Instead we were given a story quite clearly scrapped together in two minutes, loosely referred to in a two-episode long clip-show of all their favourite South Park moments.

The main background to the episode was clearly the creators doing their best to not-so-subtly voice their opinions on free speech and censorship, while offending as many Muslims as possible for good measure. Well done guys, but I'm quite sure your opinions were pretty well interpreted during the Cartoon Wars episodes - you don't think this should be a 'one rule for one, another rule for another' world. I'm inclined to agree with them though, the free speech in this world is ridiculous. Apparently it's ok for South Park to show Buddha snorting coke or Jesus looking at porn, but we must avoid showing Mohammed at all costs, lest the Muslims bomb us! Just because various extremist (I can't emphasise that word enough) Muslim groups have acted violently towards the West doesn't mean they're all like that. And I'm quite sure the Crusades proved that Christians can be rather violent if they want to be.

I hate to use the phrase "it's political correctness gone mad", but I just have. The problem is it's not the political correctness of the common people that's the problem, it's the executives, all sat in their shiny offices, wearing suits more expensive than my house and trying to control the world. Sure, they'll let us make fun of Buddhists and Christians because they can take it and won't do anything about it, except maybe write a strongly worded letter. But watch out lads! Don't piss off the 'Muzzos', because they're all super violent, yeah? And they'll, like, totally blow us up, man! And that's, like, totally bad for business!

So yes, I agree with Matt and Trey about their message about censorship, but it doesn't make the 200th episode any better because they just repeated the exact same message they made in Cartoon Wars, except taking it to a higher and grander level. Even jokes were reused again and again, signifying that maybe Parker and Stone have run out of ideas as well. Is this what the "impending" 2012 apocalypse is all about? Are we all going to run out of original thoughts until we end up repeating history itself, causing the world to get confused as to what year it is and implode? Or perhaps will the multitude of offended Muslims kill us all for taking things "too far"?

I'll tell you one thing though; if the world is going to end in December 2012, Monster's Inc. 2 had better be good. I don't want to die disappointed.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Street dancer? We'd settle for street sweeper, thanks

It may come as a shock to you, but this is the first time I've written to this blog for quite some time. I'm not entirely sure why either; since I graduated from University, I've basically been sitting around on the sofa of unemployment, looking under the cushions of the internet to see if there are any jobs there. Surely I'd have been able to take the time out from visiting nonsense websites to write a blog entry or two? Just spared a few minutes of my day formulating ideas and noting what I want to talk about? (Well, perhaps not that, I tend to walk into these things blind and make it up as I go along). But that's not what unemployment is all about!

When I was at school and university, I somehow managed to keep up to date with all of my digital exploits. I'm sure old friends of mine will remember the rapidity of my Bebo blogging. Well, all that changes when you're left with nothing to do. If you're a busy bee, it's probably because you add a lot more things to your plate that don't actually need doing. On the opposite end of the scale, when you have nothing to do you tend to keep it that way. A few weeks ago I stayed up for 24 hours just so I could see what a clock looked like at every time of the day; it's just that damn bad. But how can we counter this? How can we snatch just a snippet of focus from a completely disorganised day? I don't think we can, to be honest.

I obviously blame the internet. There's so much out there! With a few choice buzzwords and a couple of clicks, you could find your way to doing anything. Write a blog? Go for it. Put videos on YouTube? Get stuck in. Learn how to defuse a bomb? Sure, if that's what you want. With such a wealth of information at your fingertips, it's impossible to not find something to do. But it's because there's so much to do that you end up doing nothing. One flashy advert can be the difference between doing what you came to do and doing sod all because something else caught your attention. Last week I went online to discover the name of an actor I'd just seen on TV. Somehow that led me to researching to execution of the Russian royal family two hours later. Don't ask me how I got from A to B, because I have absolutely no idea.

The browsers are to blame! Life would be so much better if you could only ever have one window or tab open at any one time, because then you can't open something that arouses your interest to look at later, you have to focus on what you're doing. I don't know how many of you have ever visited the website TV Tropes, but I ended up wasting more hours than I care to admit on that bastard, with my peak "new window" quota reaching around 20, each with about 5 tabs open. That's a lot of useless information to waste your time with, even when that time would otherwise be spent trying to discover new ways of scratching yourself without having to move from a comfortable position.

If that wasn't bad enough, now that the world and his wife is on Facebook and Twitter, the chances of doing something worthwhile with your day are safely tucked away in the cupboard under the stairs, right next to your first bike and all your Christmas decorations. Why on earth would I want to exert myself mentally and physically and do something that could be really beneficial to me, when I could be reading about what Stephen Fry had for breakfast? Ok, bad example, it's impossible to relate Stephen Fry to anything negative, but my point remains; we've become a culture of inane layabouts who are far too obsessed with the lives of other people. We sit around watching television programs about successful people, then get jealous of them because we wish we were successful ourselves. Then the moment passes, and we all shuffle off to the toilet during the adverts before cracking open another packet of Monster Munch. Britain's Got Talent started again last week. What fun it is to watch people doing whatever they can to live their dreams! Such hilarious exploits! I'm so glad I chose to stay indoors on a Saturday night following a long week of 9-5 grinding, rather than being one of those losers, having fun and doing a job they enjoy! Idiots!

Trying to put sarcasm aside, which is quite difficult for me, I really am concerned with the state of underachievers in this country. Obviously there are people out there who could be fantastic at what they do, they just don't have the drive to do it anymore. We've become so used to laughing at people who try to reach the stars that we're terrified of doing it ourselves, lest we get laughed at as well. I was on an employability training course last week, and I got a real insight into my generation. So many of us, me included, had a dream, a single goal or perfect career that we'd love to get into. But when asked what job we'd go for, we practically said we'd settle for anything. The trainers then gave us a moderately hard kick up the backside and drummed the message into our heads; if there's something you absolutely want to do, no matter what, then just go for it. Try your best to get there and your hard work could very well pay off! And I completely agree, people should do what it is they want to do. Otherwise there's no point being alive at all!

The motivational speaker who came to talk to us last Thursday said "if you always do what you always did, then you'll always get what you always got." I'd offer an explanation as to what on earth that means, but I have to go; there's something good on TV in a minute.